The Price of Truth

For with much wisdom comes much sorrow (Ecclesiastes 1:18)

Once I learned how the people we love can be so ominous, I was so disappointed.

I was disappointed of how reckless people can be for their loved one. How the people we love are the cruelest. How betrayals can change even the purest. How ego can break almost everything.

Once you see the truth beyond the wall, you will realize that there’s no beauty in sight. You will crawl back for salvation, desire for ignorance, strive for naivety, leaning back behind the wall.

I’ve lost my patience,

I lost my believes

I lost my passion

I lost my pride

I lost almost everything.

Until I became a Monster myself.

“If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil



Ferdin Maulana Ichsan

Somewhat philosophical, doom romance troupe, and existential issues.